Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

The Way Ancient Egyptians Would Have Quit Smoking

What most people do not realize is that aromatherapy (inhaling essential oils to treat our body and affect the emotions) dates back thousands of years. Aromatic oils are actually used by the royal family of ancient Egypt. Today, science has found what some cultures have been known since antiquity. Smells can evoke feelings, suppress urges and even provide healing benefits for certain physical illnesses

Simply inhaling aromatherapy while you sleep, sending the scent molecules into your system, where they completely bypass the blood brain barrier and move directly into your brain, the olfactory nerves. There they received the limbic system, your body's control center for emotions, memory, stress response, metabolic function, and sexual arousal. Many people feel the effects immediately, but the best part is that aromatherapy is entirely safe and not addictive, so feel free to use as often as you want!

Aromatherapy and essential oil changes in mood and affect how you feel. Scents that are believed to help relieve the effects of nicotine addiction as lavender, bergamot, and kamilice.Broj people have found that bergamot especially away the need for smoking cigarettes, helping them to quit smoking more easily. These scents are aimed at revitalizing the body and spirit while lifting your spirits and promote a feeling of wellbeing. Aromatherapy is also known to relieve mental fatigue and insomnia. Fortunately there are some great new products such as aromatherapy sleep Scentsations that mess without pillow inserts that could help you quit the habit while you are sleeping!

But you might be wondering how these feelings can help you stop smoking cigarettes, right?

Well, they are struggling with depression often use cigarettes, alcohol or drugs to "self-medicate", and are also more likely to undergo severe psychological stress while trying to quit. Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed data on 5,000 people, composed between 2005 and 2008. They concluded that 43 percent of people who suffer from depression are smokers, compared to 22 percent of non-depressed people. A relationship between severity of depression and smoking are directly linked: As the severity of depression increased, so the probability that an individual smoked cigarettes


Keep in mind the emotional mood swings and symptoms you experience everyday. Now, you might want to consider using aromatherapy when you feel heavy (especially after a long day of work), because it tries to close and it feels horrible withdrawal. Inhaling soothing smell like ginger and Amber can help you relax and fall asleep before you can even think about cigarettes.

There are many medications to treat depression and to help you quit smoking, such as Wellbutrin (which is designed as an antidepressant, and later approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an aid for smoking cessation under the name Zyban) . However, the drugs often come with a strange and frightening nuspojave.Želja for relief without the side effects often results in people with depression or who are trying to quit looking for alternatives, such as aromatherapy. However, many people have found relief through natural means such as changes in diet, exercise, supplements, herbal remedies, aromatherapy or a combination of these and other therapies in order to ensure their lifestyle changes.

Using Aromatherapy is a simple but very effective way to help you through something that is so challenging. Why not spend $ 20 bucks for a life better breathing and mental health?

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